Sunday, June 7, 2015

Isabella Gray 1838 - week one

Rhoda Hastings was barely finished when I broke down my floor stand to start another project.

Had to change out lots of parts and pieces to go back to a smaller project since Rhoda was such a large piece.

Here is Isabella Gray 1838 by Samplers Revisited. I'm stitching her on light Exampler linen in 32 ct.  Using DMC threads.

The chart calls for cross stitch, Algerion eye stitches and some satin stitching.  You can tell it's a Scottish Sampler from the style and layout.  Isabella was 10 when she stitched this.  The colors are awesome and I have enjoyed working on her.  Takes me a bit longer when I'm working on a smaller count linen.

I also think I picked out the next 2 or 3 samplers I will be tackling when this one is complete. Trying to stitch charts that I've had in my stash for awhile.

Little hint that someone might find useful.
I keep a note on my note application in my phone titled DMC. If I'm running low on a particular thread color I under it my phone so the next time I'm out and near a store that carries the thread I can pick up some more.

We also keep a white board on our fridge to write down stuff for things we need from the grocery store.  I take a picture of it before I leave the house and can refer to it when I get to the store so I don't forget anything.  Then delete the photo once I've shopped.


  1. You are off to a great start with Isabella. How big is Isabella? I look forward to seeing your progress for the week in your next update.

    Robin in Virginia

  2. Isabella is according to the chart 10.5" wide and 14.5" long. Rhoda once completed measured 24" wide and 15.25" long

  3. Lovely new start! Like the helpful hints too. I seem to have a hard time making it out of the house with a list, but I definitely always have my phone with me.

    1. I always lose or forget a shopping list. Then invariably forget something on the list and have to go back to the store. So far this method is working fairly well. But can't quite get my mom to write stuff on it when she runs out or her stuff gets low. I keep telling her she's not a guest anymore but s member of the household. But she does unload my dish washer which is awesome! She's in Illinois till the end of September with my sister, so I'll have to unload the dishwasher myself!
