Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Take along project

The week in the Outer Banks went flying right by.  Always makes me feel sad as the good Lord is the only one who truly knows when my three kids will be in the same place at the same time.  The trip back to Manassas was horrendous! A trip that took us 4 1/3 hours to get there, took us 7 hours to get back.  Traffic on 64, 295 and 95 would try the patience of Job.

But we made it safe and sound. But since I drove both ways, I was exhausted.  Slept like a rock Sun. night and took a nap on Mon. Feeling much more "with it" today!

While in the Outer Banks my take along project was Ann Pegg 1877 by The Scarlett House. I'm stitching Ann in 36 ct. Vintage Maritime White by Lakeside Linens.  The chart calls for Gentle Arts Threads which I'm using but does have a conversion for DMC.

While I worked on Ann almost every night I find that when I use a smaller linen count it takes me longer to stitch. 

Meanwhile the lovely Isabella was awaiting my return.  While doing laundry from our trip I managed to stitch on her a bit so she doesn't feel totally left out.  If you are wondering about the large gap in letters, it's because the second row is done on satin stitches.  Trying to figure out the best way to make them look really good.  Sort of wished I had used an even weave as linen with its variation in the threads isn't always conducive to smooth satin stitches. 

While on vacation we had our mail held.  I had some wonderful goodies awaiting me upon my return! I ordered a couple DVD's (Center Stage & Band of Brothers).  Being a child of the 50's I so enjoy a good western or war picture. 

I also received some fabric 40 ct. piece for Mexican Schoolgirl practice sampler. And a chart for a Tin Topper by Samplers and Such (Rebecca Dorrie design). All eBay purchases.

When I was packing supples for our vacation I was looking around for something that could hold extra needles, tweezers, needle threader and scissors.  Whala the larger Altoid can is just the perfect size!

Evidently I was behind in figuring this out! Seems Rebecca has a whole series of tin topper charts.  Plus Piinterest has instructions how to finish them.  I'm kicking myself now for all the tins I tossed when empty.

Here is some of the designs for tin toppers.

If you like this idea charts can be purchased as noted below. I was just lucky to find the one I wanted on eBay.

There are lots of designs still available - right now the models are all down at Needleworker's Delight in Colonia, NJ - this is one of 2 frames of my tin models she has.

Guess that's it for this post.  Happy stitching!


  1. It sounds like you had a super vacation at the Outer Banks. I am surprised about I-64 unless you were coming home on a Sunday (during the summer), then it is sort of nightmarish.

    The Tin Topper charts make nice small pin pillows if you stitch them over 2 on either 28 or 32 count fabrics. Both your WIPs look great!

    Robin in Virginia

    1. Yea it was a Sunday. I tried to take 664 but screwed up and ended up in downtown Norfolk. Thankfully since I lived that area so many years I figured out where I was and got myself at least back on 64. But could have saved at least 1/2 hr by going the 664 route. Like when the traffic is so bad, 1/2 hr makes a big difference.

  2. Welcome home! I've recently sworn off of uneven linen & will go to an evenweave in the future. I have some remnant uneven in my stash that I've brought out to do a small stitch every so often & more often than not I end up putting it back in the stash 'cause it just drives me crazy (although it may just be that my lighting isn't the best or my glasses :) Last time I told myself to just throw it away to remove the temptation to stitch on it . . . . . haven't been able to bring myself to do it.

    1. I know! Although they the uneven ones do make your samplers look more like the originals simply because they used linen that had no evenness to it. Both the samplers I'm working on now are done on either hand dyed or softer linen. I actually prefer to stitch in fabric that has some stiffness to it. Helps keeps in nice and tight on my scroll rods and doesn't stretch as much as the softer linens. I usually stitch on whatever is recommended by the chart unless the ct is really small or I really don't like the color. I'm not that snooty of a stitcher that believes my work has to be in linen or you absolutely must use silks. I already invest in my hobby as it is without make the leap to silk threads at $4 and $5 a skein. I'll splurge once in a while on the gentle arts threads but only because I love the variation produced when stitching with them.

    2. Oh and I use readers for stitching plus occasionally one of those over the neck magnifiers with the readers. In the basement I have a floor light with a swing arm and a 3 way bulb that goes to 150 watts. Plus a table lamp with another 3 way bulb in it. When stitching both are on. Good lighting is a must. When we travel I have a small Ott light I always bring with me plus an extension cord. Everyone is going to those light bulbs that save energy and they are terrible for sewing.
