Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Not the only thing I work on

Well it has been a while since I posted on my blog.  Not because I haven't been working on anything.  I always have some sort of project going.  In fact, sometimes more than one.  The real challenge is to finish them!  My sister and I still talk about the red wool plaid in my mother's fabric stash, that she was going to make pleated skirts for both of us.  We are now both over 50 and alas we never did get our red plaid skirts.  The promise to myself was to finish projects that I start, sometimes with a sabbatical imbetween, but finish them never the less. 

Recently I was looking for decorative vases, for my fireplace mantel.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find any that I liked, or that I was unwilling to pay that out the ying yang for.  So....I came up with an idea that I would make my own.  I found glass vases at JoAnns.  Ordered variagated metal foil over the internet, and let my creative juices flow.  Here are the results.  

I have yet to put some antiquing glaze on them, which will age them a bit.  So I imagine they will darken up some.  Things I would have done differently?  Um....think I would have hoge podge some tissue paper to the vases first, and created some texture to apply the foil to.  May try that later on.

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