Thursday, July 5, 2012

Take Along Project - Williamsburg Sampler

Did I mention that I now have a take along project as well.  Like having two other projects going wasn't enough?  I truly am addicted!   Many times when we have visited places on vacations, I have picked up small cross stitch charts/kits for remembering the visit.  Have I a few from Ocean City.  One of DC that I did many years ago, before we actually lived in the area.  I also picked up one of Mt. Vernon which is George Washington's home.  The last time I was in Williamsburg, I picked up a small sampler kit.  That is what I am working on as well.  I bought one of those snappy frames and it seems to work better than all the hoops I used for years.  In addition, I can leave my floor stand and lap stand with the dowels alone, and don't have to dismantle it to take it with me.  I will post pictures of the Williamsburg sampler and also the DC one I did years ago later!

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