The hull of the ship is solid stitching too! I'm apologizing in advance for all my griping, groaning, and whining in future posts till this sampler is done!
I'll be lucky if it's completely finished in a month!
My friend, who I promised this chart to upon completion, may be having second thoughts. She dropped by and I showed her the progress, and she said " omg I didn't realize it was so large!"
I found her a Greek band sampler chart, which I forwarded the link to her. Maybe something more doable. I did tell her I would still be gifting this chart to her, and what she decided to do with it after that, was up to her. Toss it, burn it, make those paper animals out of the pages.
Not much going on this week in the home front. I love having my children home. Except for the fact that my laundry baskets disappear. I think I have 5 or 6 and am down to one. I texted my my daughter and said "can you please pray tell me where all my laundry baskets are?" Her reply was " I really hate it when you ask me a question you already know the answer to!"
Me thinks I won't be seeing my laundry baskets until she makes her move to Charlottesville.
Next weekend my oldest son and his girlfriend are coming for the weekend. They want to tour DC before the weather gets too hot.
When I'm not stitching, cleaning, baking, doing laundry. I spend a quite a bit of time surfing "You Tube." There is quite an array of things posted on it. Everything from DIY projects to Dr. Sandra Lee a/k/a Dr. Pimple Popper. In addition to the many pet videos like Hope for Paws. Plus many of Vets who post videos of their contribution of helping sick and injured animals. Vet Ranch is a favorite.
On the stranger side are the many neighbor disputes caught on video, or the people that video abandoned homes or the charity project going on in Rural Africa where the are trying to help the people be "jigger" free.
Of course on the lighter side are the Stuart videos from Mad TV, or the young comedian who opines about misspelled tattoes, ot the truly dumb things people post on the Internet. Although the latest prank video of the Zombie Apocolypse was hysterical.
With that I think I'll close for the week. Till next week happy happy stitching!