Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rosewood Manor - Quaker Diamonds

I was going back through my blog and realized that sometimes I call the company Rosewood Manor which is the correct name and Rosehill Manor.  What a dope I am sometimes.  I decided that I would try to get more organized with the cross stitch patterns, kits that I currently have in my possession, and those that I might be interested in purchasing in the future.

So, yesterday I went out onto the web and found pictures of the some of the patterns/kits that I have.  Others, the package had a great picture, so I just went ahead and copied those.  I am going to organize them in a book, haven't quite figured out how yet, other than I have the dividers and binder.  But....I think that will save me from figuring out what I already have (so I don't try to buy the same thing twice like the Ann Hill Sampler) and also what I might like to try in the future.

On those sheets, I will note whether I already have fabric, or if there is any sort of special yarn required other than DMC and whether I have the appropriate thread.  I will put the sheets in sheet protectors, and then also add to it the cross stitch calculator sheet for fabric and also a list of colors that I may need.
Nothing worse than starting a project and realize you don't have it all.

Also, it will be handy when I travel to my local cross stitch store!

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