Well I managed to finish this sampler. Well almost. The head of the thistle is missing. Why ? Because it calls for queen stitch's each done in four squares.
I practiced on the waste. Thought I had it down pat, and it just looked like a big knot. So today while my mother is getting her hair done I am hoing to the LNS to see if I can get some help.
Meanwhile, I have been working on a small "take along" project that I have taken along for many months and wasn't making much progress.
This sweet little sampler is by the Olde Victorian Sampler Shoppe. I'm using 28 ct. Linen and DMC. Got to admit I have done more frogging on this piece. It's an easy chart, guess I just don't seem to be as careful as ones that are harder.
In addition I saw a new Scarlet Letter chart and I just had to order it for my stash. Totally busting my March cross stitch budget. But so well worth it!
Meanwhile must wait till April first so I can dip into my April budget to purchase the Loara Standish kit.
Last week was a week I don't care to repeat ! My daughter who is in college came down with a virus that required me to spend 3 days with her. Last Sunday my brother in law had a heart attack. He was heavily sedated for most of the week trying to get his vital signs under control. He woke up this weekend and seems to be doing better but now they are running tests to figure out the next step to get him on the road to recovery. Then my dear friend in Florida, woke up on Wednesday to find her husband had passed away in his sleep. Even though he had not been in good health, his passing was totally unexpected. My heart so breaks for my friend. She is such a wonderful person and her life has been full of challenges. Even though God doesn't give you more than you can handle, I pray that she has successfully passed his test, and she finds peace and happiness again!
On another note, my sister in Illinois has finally joined the 2000's and is a proud new owner of a Smart phone and IPad. I am hoping she will learn to take pictures of her beautiful stitching and share it! I tried to help her along with that task by purchasing her a easy to use digital camera a few years ago. Picture taking she passed! Downloading the pics from camera to computer- not so much. She makes my stitching look like I'm a beginner! So crossing my fingers that the smart phone will allow her to share her beautiful stitching!